APRIL 6, 12:11 P.M.
A number of children were relieved of their homework by a mysterious man, according to a Pima County Sheriff's Department report.
A teacher at Los Amigos Elementary School, 2200 E. Drexel Road, informed deputies that several students told her that a strange man—dressed in all black—zoomed up in a red car and drove away with their homework. The teacher said that at first, she thought it was very "convenient" that these students' homework had been "stolen." But a total of six students insisted the story was true.
All six students said they'd left their backpacks at the school-bus stop near the school while they played across the street before class began. The students said they saw a red car (possibly a Lexus) pull up quickly, at which point a black-clad man got out and started rummaging through their things. They saw the man take bunches of papers out of the backpacks and bring them back to the car, which was then driven away at a high rate of speed. The car had no license plate, they said.
Other missing items included one library book and one box of crayons.
No suspects were identified at the time of the report.
APRIL 4, 12:56 A.M.
An unclothed man became cooperative and courteous after an unexplained rooftop ruckus, a PCSD report stated.
Deputies were dispatched to a prowler call; a couple had reported hearing noises on their roof—what sounded like the voices of lots of different people, as well as some possible running and screaming.
At the house, deputies saw an adult male sitting on the roof—completely naked.
Upon request, the man came down from the roof carefully. He was fully cooperative while being handcuffed, seated in a patrol vehicle and covered up.
The subject said he'd been on the roof looking for a friend; he gave deputies a name the residents didn't know. Asked where his clothes were, he indicated they were in his truck and pointed down the block. He couldn't give a full explanation for his situation, saying only that he "was sorry for having everybody come out and sorry for climbing on the roof of the gentleman's house without any clothes on."
In the man's truck, deputies found his clothing as well as a marijuana pipe, which the man admitted was his. After his Miranda rights were read to him, he politely thanked deputies for explaining them to him.
The man was taken to jail after being checked out by a hospital.