
All signs pointed to a bad time when it came to Orphan. The film is the billionth “demon-child” movie to get the green light, and it actually includes Vera Farmiga as the troubled mother who must deal with the evil kid. Farmiga was in Joshua, a 2007 demon-child film that co-starred Sam Rockwell. Déjà vu. However, the tired clichés wear down expectations, resulting in a major moment of surprise in the film’s final act. It doesn’t make the film a classic, but it does turn the proceedings into a semi-respectable horror movie—it’s a big, sometimes darkly funny fake-out that works. Much of the reason for the film’s relative success is due to young actress Isabelle Fuhrman, who is genuinely creepy as the orphan touted in the film’s title.

Orphan is not showing in any theaters in the area.


  • Jaume Collet-Serra


  • Vera Farmiga
  • Peter Sarsgaard
  • Isabelle Fuhrman
  • CCH Pounder
  • Aryana Engineer
  • Jimmy Bennett
  • Margo Martindale
  • Karel Roden
  • Rosemary Dunsmore


  • Joel Silver
  • Susan Downey
  • Erik Olsen
  • Jennifer Killoran
  • Leonardo DiCaprio
  • Don Carmody
  • Steve Richards
  • Michael Ireland
Image: Orphan

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