A revenge flick with an intriguing premise
and a lame payoff, Oldboy tells the
story of a man who is kidnapped and
imprisoned in a hotel room for 15 years.
Completely cut off from human contact,
his only company is a television and the
occasional drugging and beating by his
unseen guards. Then, he is finally
released into the world and must find out
who locked him up and why. Lovely
cinematography, some mediocre fight
scenes and a lot of torturous violence
almost save this movie from its inability
to come to a satisfying end. At two hours,
it’s also overly long. However, it is
scheduled for a remake by an American
movie studio, so maybe they’ll work out
the kinks, dumb it down and add a lot of
stuff that blows up or get naked. Until
then, I’d give this one a pass.