Nine Questions

Andrés Cano

Andrés Cano

Andrés Cano, a native Tucsonan, is an aide and community liaison to Pima County Supervisor Richard Elías. To kick off 2015, Andrés will be receiving the Henry "Hank" Oyama Community Leadership Award from Amistades, Inc., at their annual Segundo de Febrero commemoration. Andrés, 22, is an emerging and active community advocate with ties to political and social justice causes affecting Arizonans from all walks of life. He was recently elected chair of the Legislative District 3 Democratic Committee, leads Tucson's National Latino AIDS Awareness Day efforts, and is vice chair of the Planned Parenthood Arizona Board of Directors. To support women's reproductive rights, healthy families, and comprehensive sex education in our public schools in the coming year, Andrés asks that you please consider making a gift to Planned Parenthood Arizona by donating online at PPAZ.ORG/DONATE.

—Mari Herreras,

What was the first concert you attended?

No shame: Britney Spears at America West Arena in Phoenix on June 12, 2002. My mom, godmother, and I were way up in the nosebleeds, but I was super excited to see Britney in person. After the show, a little girl my age shared some of the confetti she got while on the main floor; I was very touched by that and remember that simple act of kindness to this day.

What are you listening to these days?

I'm going to see Juan Gabriel and Taylor Swift this year so they've both been on repeat on my iTunes. Both artists are icons in my books.

What was the first album you owned?

It had to have been a Selena cassette around age 6 or 7. I used to put on talent shows for my family during the holidays, which really means that I was the star act and I'd make my cousins work the strobe lights or be my backup dancers. Selena was on those talent show set lists, as was NSync and Destiny's Child. My family and I still laugh about those mini-concerts to this day.

What artist, genre or musical trend does everyone seem to love, but you just don't get?

I really don't get the fascination with Tony Bennett. Like seriously, that's the last thing I want to hear! Not even duets with Lady Gaga will make me a fan. Oh and what about U2 and Apple automatically downloading their new album onto my iPhone?!?!? #RUDE!!!

What musical act, current or defunct, would you most like to see perform live?

I'm a big sucker for live (read: LIVE) performances, so I feel that Mariah Carey circa '90s and Rocio Ducal are the best choices for this question. But Mariah's lost her voice and Rocio is dead (RIP) so my wishes can't be fulfilled. Sad day.

What is your favorite guilty pleasure?

I am fascinated with Illuminati conspiracies. I don't even want to tell you how many hours of YouTube videos I've watched devoted to the success and demise of the Hollywood and political elite via the Illuminati. Don't get me started with the Tupac conspiracies either.

What song would you like to have played at your funeral? My boss introduced me to "Keep Me in Your Heart" by Warren Zevon and since I've heard it, I've felt that it's the perfect "going away/see you soon" song. It's a really powerful song given that Zevon was dying of cancer when he wrote it. Among all the beautiful lyrics, this is my favorite: "when the winter comes, keep the fires lit—and I will be right next to you."

What artist changed your life and how?

Country hunk Easton Corbin was introduced to me a few years ago. I've had the honky-tonk (or "shit-kicker." as my hating, non-country friends say) fever since. His live performances are eclectic, his voice unmatched, and his lyrics comforting to the heart and soul. Easton favorites include "Are You With Me" and "Let Alone You."

Figurative gun to your head, what is your favorite album of all time?

I'll give you one album that I can recite with 97 percent accuracy and never get tired of: Beyoncé's entire "I Am... Yours" performance at the Wynn Las Vegas in 2009. It was released as an album and DVD, and it's the perfect album for the Tucson to Phoenix drive (almost identical to the drive time).