There’s fire! There’s fish! There’s fun! All brought to you by Tucson’s hospitality icon, Mr. An. The teppan side of the menu offers all the usual goodies prepared by some of the friendliest teppan chefs in town. You can get regular sushi items as well. But then there are the house specialties like the Mango Crunch or the Summerhaven or even the improbable Bleu Panda. Any way you choose, this is a great choice for a fun family night out or a special occasion. (8-26-10)
Steamed oysters panko battered and fried served with a tangy teriyaki sauce
Mr. An's Spicy Seafood Salad
Chef's choice of assorted fresh cuts of sashimi mixed with sliced cucumber, beets, radish sprouts and onions all tossed in mr. An's special spicy sashimi salad marinade
Geisha Lips
Spicy crab, crab salad, shrimp and avocado skillfully rolled in a thin sheet of fresh beets. Sliced and served with flash fried bits of spinach and beet. All lightly marinated in plum wine
Shrimp tempura, avocado & tuna topped with tobiko, sweet soy sauce and light mayo