Living Lavishly: All The Fun Things To Do With A Little Extra Cash

We all know the importance of saving, not spending, putting aside for a rainy day, stacking up a safety net - but what about when you’ve done that, and you’ve got a bit of money left over, and you just want to do something fun with it? After all, isn’t that what life is for - a bit of fun and luxury sometimes? So how can you spoil yourself when you’ve got some extra cash and it’s time to “splash out”?

Get Gaming

Gaming’s a hobby to end all hobbies when it comes to luxury - there are so many amazing things you can buy or spend funds on, and that’s true whatever niche you’re in. Love the sprawling vistas of behemoth RPGs or the fast-paced intensity of an online battle? Prefer the “cha-ching” of a spinning slot machine or the rattle of dice on a virtual table? What about the rustle of cards?

Whatever it is that does it for you, it’s easy to sink money into gaming. First up, there’s equipment galore, with all sorts of swish gaming laptops, high-end consoles, and a bunch of extra gear (fancy chairs, noise-canceling earphones, luxury mouse pads anyone?). Second, there’s the games themselves, whether you’re buying them outright or plunging into the play-to-earn models.

And games today are so worth the funds we put into them; they’re pretty much works of art and they take a heck of a long time to develop (especially these days). They’re constantly innovating - think VR and AR, just for starters - and the options are pretty much limitless. Whatever niche you love, you can have a fabulous time if you’ve got a bit of cash to spare.

Casinos, for example. You don’t need wads of extra cash to have an amazing time playing digital casino games. Imagine you’re at a casino online Canada; you’ve got games galore, all just a click or tap away, and you can immerse yourself in this world of wonder for hour after hour, especially with features like hold-and-win. The games offer many options for you to explore, and you can access everything without even having to stand up - major brownie points from most of us. Add in 24/7 availability and the chances of taking home a win if you’re lucky and skillful, and yes, this looks a promising option.

Check Out An Incredible Restaurant

Feeling peckish while listening to the coins in your pocket? Tucson has some amazing foodie fare on offer, and with recent restaurant openings like the Cupbop one, it’s only getting better and better. Quick, with all the food in one cup, it’s no wonder the “Shh, just eat” slogan has become so famous and captured the imagination of many.

You can find loads of different gourmet options in the area, too, so you haven’t got to go for this if something else sounds more mouth-watering. A whole symphony of flavors comes together to offer basically any kind of cuisine you fancy, and the other great part. You’ll be supporting local businesses and making sure they’ve got the funds to keep going - who doesn’t want that when it comes to their neighborhood? Plus, the satisfaction of having a full tummy… well, we don’t need to sell it to you.

Head For An Event

We make some of our best memories when we’re out and about with friends, and Tucson’s got absolutely stacks to offer here, too. Arts and culture, classes, nightlife, music nights, and great performances in the Fox Tucson Theatre, it’s serving up something for everyone under the sun. Plenty of music groups roll up to play locally, so check out the top events going on, especially during the summer months, and you’ll find plenty of ways to spend that extra cash and create some incredible moments with friends, family, or just by yourself!

None of that floating your boat. What about a cinema moment, perhaps with that special someone? There have been some amazing movies released already in 2024 and we’ve got plenty left to come. There’s nothing like the anticipation as the lights go out and the screening stars, hot popcorn in one hand and a drink in the other - so why not see if any of the billings take your fancy this year?

Last up, we’ve got VR experiences and escape rooms - always good fun if you’ve got some extra cash knocking around, and great for a group activity with your buddies. Shoot orcs like a LOTR-pro, dance like nobody’s watching, jet about on futuristic tech, or any of the other million experiences you can try now that VR has come to cities across the globe. The home kits still have a little way to go before they’re really amazing (they’re getting close, though), but at a venue designed for it, you can really have some fun!