
Nicolas Cage stars as a freaked-out dad whose kid gets a list of numbers out of a time capsule. The numbers contain 50 years of dates and death tolls for major disasters—with some of the dates still to happen. It appears that the end of the world is coming, and Cage is the only one who knows it. This is the best Cage film in three years; it’s no classic, but director Alex Proyas deserves credit for getting some good work out of the inconsistent actor. This is the first apocalypse film in a while that doesn’t wuss out and/or star Kirk Cameron. The finale is a decent shocker, and while I could’ve done without some of the religious subtext, Proyas does manage some thrills and chills. Even though this film is about the end of the world, Cage’s performance is surprisingly calm and nuanced.

Knowing is not showing in any theaters in the area.


  • Alex Proyas


  • Nicolas Cage
  • Rose Byrne
  • Chandler Canterbury
  • Lara Robinson
  • Ben Mendelsohn
  • Nadia Townsend
  • Alan Hopgood
  • Danielle Carter
  • Alethea McGrath
  • D.G. Maloney


  • Todd Black
  • Jason Blumenthal
  • Steve Tisch
  • Stephen Jones
  • Topher Dow

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