Justin Bieber: Never Say Never

I kind of like Justin Bieber. He’s like a young Leonardo DiCaprio, the members of Hanson, Keira Knightley and Justin Timberlake all rolled into one little cherubic pop star. His new 3-D epic bio/documentary movie is a big, happy film that showcases his undeniable talents and tells the story of his rise to fame. It also, in its own little way, justifies his fame. He is quite good at what he does, and I consider him miles ahead of other pop phenomena (like the Jonas Parasites). This film chronicles his rise to fame through Twitter and YouTube, and his sold-out concert at Madison Square Garden featuring Usher, Miley Cyrus and Jaden Smith. The music isn’t all that great, but the story is pretty good. This will make Bieber’s fans happy while keeping the uninitiated semi-entertained.

Justin Bieber: Never Say Never is not showing in any theaters in the area.


  • Jon Chu


  • Justin Bieber


  • Scooter Braun
  • Justin Bieber
  • Antonio Reid
  • Usher
  • Dan Cutforth
  • Jane Lipsitz
  • David Nicksay
  • Doug Merrifield

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