Jet Li's Fearless

In what is being dubbed as Jet Li’s final fight-filled flick, the martial arts master goes out with a POW! Li stars as kung fu legend Huo Yuanjia in turn-of-the-century Tianjin China. After surviving endless childhood taunts and his father’s ultimate humiliation, Yuanjia devotes the next several years to training in high-speed combat. Even though financial woes, suicidal tendencies and alcohol add more challenges as Yuanjia becomes the founder of Jingwu Sports as an adult, he goes on to defend China’s honor in a eye-opening duel with fast footwork. However, a fight becomes fatal, so the butt-kicking hero succumbs to self-banishment, where he learns fortune-cookie platitudes from the metaphorical blind woman who can see. Soon, Yuanjia becomes the new and morally improved version of himself—and even spews his own fortune-cookie platitudes. Director Ronny Yu’s action film drags during the stagnant scenes of Li bonding with nature in his self-induced solitude, which will make viewers hope that this really isn’t the last time they’ll get to see Li do what he does best: fight.

Jet Li's Fearless is not showing in any theaters in the area.

Cast information not available at this time.

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