Gay Sex in the '70s

It’s very rare for a film to make me wish it was the 1970s, and that I were gay. I can’t say that Gay Sex in the '70s succeeded at that, but this documentary does make it seem as though the best and longest-lasting orgy in the history of the multiverse occurred somewhere on New York’s west side between 1970 and 1980. If you want to know more about the era of openness that followed Stonewall and preceded AIDS, Gay Sex is a complete document. Featuring interviews with survivors, stock footage and an assortment of information that will blow your mind and other parts, it’s a well-constructed, thoughtful and entertaining look at a lost era that will be remembered in the way the early days of the Christian church, the troubadour period in France and the hippie days of the ’60s are remembered: incorrectly, romantically and fondly.

Gay Sex in the '70s is not showing in any theaters in the area.

Cast information not available at this time.

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