First Sunday

Ice Cube and Tracy Morgan play a couple of down-on-their-luck pals who decide to rob a church. The events leading up to the robbery are pretty funny, but once the plot moves to the church, things get boring—fast. Ice Cube’s movies are sort of interchangeable as of late, and this one feels like more of the same. Morgan is talented and funny, and he does get some good laughs early on. However, the plot really has no choice but to go where it is going, and you’ll know where it’s going within its first half. That would be fine if the laugh factor remained high, but the chuckles dwindle to smirks, and eventually evaporate into nothing as the minutes pass. Yes, it’s January, and a lot of January films tend to suck. First Sunday doesn’t suck, but it does fall into the category of “throwaway movie.” Ice Cube and Tracy Morgan have the talent to be a decent screen team. Let’s hope they choose something a little more challenging in the future.

First Sunday is not showing in any theaters in the area.

Cast information not available at this time.

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