Tucson Weekly

Editor's Note

Dan Gibson Apr 3, 2014 1:00 AM

So Much Music

Somehow this publication has become a catalog of my interests the last two weeks, with last week's 100 Essential Dishes issue and this week, a celebration of the synergy of a thousand (est.) great bands coming to town in the month of April.

Yes, we have Coachella to thank for a significant amount of our musical fortune—a few bands played here either on their way to and from Indio for years, but the expansion to two weekends in 2012 gave a bunch of musical acts seven days in the Southwest.

However, it's important to give credit to the people booking these shows here in Tucson as well. It's a thankless gig in a lot of ways to try to bring entertainment to town; someone is constantly asking you for free tickets to a show or asking why Band X is playing Austin but not here, plus the hassle of dealing with PR people, artists, labels, the media, etc. Sure, you get to see a lot of great music, but you also get to spend most nights working as well.

We're fortunate here to have a synergy of smart, forward thinking people in the concert booking and promoting business, and somehow that's been the case for awhile, back to Steven Eye killing it in the '90s at the DPC. Just look through the (probably incomplete) list of shows on page 21. There really is something for everyone on there, whether it's at the Fox, the Rialto, Congress, Plush, the Pima County Fair, etc.

So, thanks to Ben, Curtis, David, Dan, Kris, Matthew and whoever else I'm sure I'm forgetting. As someone who loves live music, it's a great time to be a Tucsonan.

Dan Gibson can be heard on the John C. Scott Show most Thursday afternoons on 1210 AM, Fook Music Mornings on 102.1 FM KFMA most Fridays around 8 a.m., and on DeSimone's Daily Double on 1030 AM KVOI Thursday, April 3 from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.