City of Men

A sort of fake sequel to City of God, this film lacks the strong editing, tight directing and spare scripting that made the earlier one so great. It also has a different director and writer, and pretty much nothing in common except for a couple of producers and a title motif. Still, it’s passably entertaining, in a sort of B-movie way: Ace and Wallace are turning 18, and they go on a quest to find Wallace’s father. Meanwhile, a gang war breaks out in their Rio de Janeiro neighborhood, and when the two best friends learn a dark secret, it threatens to tear them apart. I think they ripped the plot off from an old episode of Guiding Light, but it works better when played by beautiful Brazilians with automatic weapons. Well, not much better, but a little.

City of Men is not showing in any theaters in the area.

Cast information not available at this time.

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