Calling all Creatives: Library calls for student artwork

click to enlarge Calling all Creatives: Library calls for student artwork
(Pima County Public Library/Submitted)
A submission for a younger student, from 2023.

Pima County Public Library is once again calling for tweens and teens to display their artistic talent with a submission to the Worlds of Imagination Fantasy Art Showcase. The deadline for submissions is Sept. 20.

The show, for students in grades 5 to 8 and 9 to 12, will feature artwork in a couple of categories: fantasy/sci-fi and comics/manga. In a change from previous years, this is not a juried show, so all artwork will be accepted. 

“There were just so many good submissions that we decided last year to not run it as a contest, rather just run it as a showcase,” Alisa Wenker, young adult librarian, said. 

The show is organized by Wenker. 

All those who submit work will have their names put into a drawing for a prize of $50 worth of art supplies.

A reception for the artists and their friends and families will be held from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 16 at the main branch of Pima County Public Library, 101 N. Stone Avenue.

In 2022, there were 70 submissions and last year the library received only half as many, so  Wenker said she would invite all who think they might be interested to participate.

“I’m hoping this year we’ll have a successful show since it will be the last one held in the main library as the main library is right now,” she said. “Hopefully (next year) we’ll be able to have it at a different location.”

The main branch will be closing for renovations.

There are a few guidelines. The work has to be 2D. In other words, no sculptures. Entries can be no larger than nine by 11 inches and the library reserves the right to decide if the piece is inappropriate. Additionally, each student is allowed up to three submissions.

Work may be done in pen, pencil, ink, colored pencil or marker, paint, digitally, or any media that can be considered 2D.  

The field of work is wide and varied, so no artist should be worried their work is not good enough to enter. 

“Sometimes we go for the pieces that are really well done, but that can be intimidating for the kids,” Wenker said. “Sometimes we go for ones that are more elementary so they think, ‘Oh, that’s not the most amazing piece of artwork. Maybe I could submit something, too.’”

click to enlarge Calling all Creatives: Library calls for student artwork
(Pima County Public Library/Submitted)
One example of a submission from 2023.

Wenker noticed that students really enjoy seeing their work displayed, so she encourages all students to participate.

“It’s an exciting showcase for them to enter,” Wenker said.  

Worlds of Imagination Fantasy Art Showcase

WHEN: Deadline to enter is Sept. 20, artist reception is from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 16

WHERE: Submissions may be made to students’ local library branches, the reception will take place at the main library at 101 N. Stone Avenue

INFO: For information or to get a submission form, visit