Brooklyn's Finest

Despite decent performances from Ethan Hawke, Richard Gere and Don Cheadle, director Antoine Fuqua has made a movie that lacks authenticity. It’s as if three typical scripts about New York City cops were each shortened and then combined to make one big cliché of a movie. Hawke plays a cop fighting the temptation to go on the take; Gere plays a cop near retirement who hasn’t liked the job very much; and Cheadle plays the undercover guy who might be getting too close to the people he’s trying to catch. While the film is never anything near terrible, it doesn’t possess a single moment that feels unique. Hawke delivers perhaps the best performance, as sort of the flipside to the virtuous cop he played in Fuqua’s Training Day. He works his butt off, but the movie lets him down.

Brooklyn's Finest is not showing in any theaters in the area.


  • Antoine Fuqua


  • Richard Gere
  • Don Cheadle
  • Ethan Hawke
  • Wesley Snipes
  • Will Patton
  • Ellen Barkin
  • Brian F. O'Byrne
  • Lili Taylor
  • Shannon Kane
  • Jesse Williams


  • Basil Iwanyk
  • John Langley
  • Elie Con
  • John Thompson
  • Mary Viola
  • Jesse Kennedy
  • Robert Greenhut
  • Antoine Fuqua
  • Avi Lerner
  • Danny Dimbort
  • Trevor Short
  • Boaz Davidson
Image: Brooklyn's Finest

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