Answers to Your Questions

· What's up with your election coverage this week? Normally, the Weekly has a press deadline of 7 p.m. on Tuesday. This, obviously, would not work for election coverage. Therefore, we made arrangements with our printer to finish up the four pages from our regular Currents section as late as midnight on Tuesday. Thus, anything that has happened after, say, 11 p.m. Tuesday will have to wait for next week's paper. Don't deadlines royally suck?

· I am offended/appalled/sickened by your "Bush Must Go!" endorsement of Kerry. Would y'all take a flying leap? No, we won't. In any case, I am stunned at the reaction we've received since the Kerry endorsement; at least one advertiser cancelled. Did anybody, having read the Weekly before, think we'd actually endorse Bush, a man we believe to be one of the worst presidents ever?

· I wrote you a letter to the editor, and you had the nerve to (gasp!) edit it! Why? Read the damn instructions that run every week at the start of Mailbag: "Increase your chances of publication by writing no more than 250 words. We reserve the right to edit letters." If you write a letter that's too long, or we have to cut letters down to fit, your letter will be edited.

· My calendar listing didn't make it in/wasn't exactly how I wanted it. Why? Read the damn instructions that run every week at the start of each listings section: "Because of space limitations, we can't use all items." It also says when our deadlines are (11 days before the publication date). Long story short: Listings are a service to our readers, and we'll never, ever guarantee that a listing will run, due to space concerns.

I hope this clarifies a few things.