· I am offended/appalled/sickened by your "Bush Must Go!" endorsement of Kerry. Would y'all take a flying leap? No, we won't. In any case, I am stunned at the reaction we've received since the Kerry endorsement; at least one advertiser cancelled. Did anybody, having read the Weekly before, think we'd actually endorse Bush, a man we believe to be one of the worst presidents ever?
· I wrote you a letter to the editor, and you had the nerve to (gasp!) edit it! Why? Read the damn instructions that run every week at the start of Mailbag: "Increase your chances of publication by writing no more than 250 words. We reserve the right to edit letters." If you write a letter that's too long, or we have to cut letters down to fit, your letter will be edited.
· My calendar listing didn't make it in/wasn't exactly how I wanted it. Why? Read the damn instructions that run every week at the start of each listings section: "Because of space limitations, we can't use all items." It also says when our deadlines are (11 days before the publication date). Long story short: Listings are a service to our readers, and we'll never, ever guarantee that a listing will run, due to space concerns.
I hope this clarifies a few things.