Air Guitar Nation

If there’s one thing that America can do better than any country beside maybe England, it’s rock. And if there’s one other thing that America is good at, it’s creating fake celebrities. And yet, for the first seven years of its existence, the Air Guitar World Championships were devoid of American competitors. Air Guitar Nation is the story of the first American entrants: the poised and powerful C-Diddy, sporting his signature Hello Kitty breastplate, and the grimly determined Bjorn Turoque, perennial second-place finisher and a man who turns a gag into an obsession. It’s amazing to watch as hundreds of people take a joke way, way too far, turning it into a message of world peace, spirituality and totally awesome shredding. Air Guitar Nation puts the quote marks back in “irony,” then twirls them around and flings them in the air and does a huge back flip and lands on its knees and gives the satanic finger sign and then gets it on with a busload of groupies. Yes.

Air Guitar Nation is not showing in any theaters in the area.

Cast information not available at this time.

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