After the Crawl

Some news and notes...

• Thanks to all of you who interacted with, the informational/social-networking/text-messaging Web site our corporate Web dude, Sean Fitzpatrick, set up for last weekend's Fall Club Crawl™. Except for a few glitches (like the Ning part of the site being down for part of the night due to maintenance), it worked very well--and the lessons we learned will be used in the development of our new local-music Web site,, which is slated to launch in several months. If you want to see what you missed, you're still welcome to check out

• And thanks to all of you who made last weekend's Club Crawl™ a smash success, according to every review I've heard so far. Thanks for supporting downtown--construction be damned!--and thanks for supporting local music!

• If you have a general question that has nothing to do with the Weekly, and you call us expecting an answer to said question (recent query topics: a question about an event we hadn't listed; the name of a supposed local poetry publisher), and we tell you we don't know the answer, don't be offended and/or get pissy. We're bright folks around here, but we don't know everything. Thank you, and God bless.

• To those of you offended by the fact that certain writers for this publication have been known to use swear words: If you're afraid of being offended, then don't read those certain writers anymore. Now, isn't that simple?