"Break Them Shackles,” the new single from Chicago-via-Tucson's Lando Chill, dropped Tuesday at all the usual digital outlets (Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, SoundCloud and Bandcamp). Say thank you.
The jam features an Asian vibe set by a beguiling Chinese stringed instrument (a kin) that kicks off the intro, and recurs as motif throughout. Groovester Chris Pierce locks in a wicked-yet-laidback bass groove over sampled sounds and voices, before Chill’s sweet street rhymes and effortless flow takes centerstage.
Then the socially conscious Chill takes us behind the music and stabs at the heart of the lyrics to "Break Them Shackles,” telling us what they’re about:
Many, many shackles/Ones that bind limb to anxiety and depression/Shackles that cuff themselves to neck like noose for not being black enough for some/ And too black for others. The shackles of poverty/Of society's assumptions about me and mine ...
"The song was produced by Andy Catlin [Lasso] and Tom Johnson [TTop] of Headlock, with Pierce playing bass. B3nbi, Altrice and Laísa Laii are other artists who have featured sounds and production on the album,” Chill tells
Tucson Weekly.
The tune is from Chill's forthcoming sophomore album,
The Boy Who Spoke to the Wind (Mello Music Group), which was recorded in Tucson, in Lasso's apartment.
“I wrote the song and the entire album. It was produced and curated by Lasso and I,” Chill adds.
The gifted 25-year-old draws his inspiration from art, music and the world around him; but first and foremost the wind. “Imagine being able to harness the idea of the wind not only being able to speak to you, but through you, sharing the wisdom and pain of those who have no voice,” Chill says, describing, perhaps, some of the ambiance of his new record. And like the wind, ”I have no direction truly, only to make the music I want to make, and be able to do whatever I can to help the world be a better place for us all.”
Lando Chill’s
The Boy Who Spoke to the Wind drops June 23.