Cinema Clips: Colossal

Anne Hathaway and Jason Sudeikis gloriously upstage two kaiju monsters in Colossal, a science fiction monster mash that features many twists and a psychological/emotional river that runs mighty deep. Hathaway outdoes herself as Gloria, an NYC writer who gets herself kicked out of her boyfriend’s (Dan Stevens) apartment for constant partying and being somewhat “unmanageable.” She winds up in her hometown sleeping on an inflatable mattress where she bumps into Oscar (Sudeikis), a friend from childhood.

Oscar, an overly sweet and generous guy at first glance, immediately seeks to help Gloria out, giving her a job at his bar and showering her with furniture for her sparse home. This seems to be the setup for a strange romantic comedy between Gloria and Oscar with science fiction/horror as the background.

Writer-director Nacho Vigalondo has something much different in mind. Gloria awakens one morning after much drinking to discover that a giant, lizard-like creature is attacking Seoul, Korea. After examining some YouTube and news programs, she realizes that the monster seems to be mimicking her mostly drunk body movements half a world away. Yes, the monster is the manifestation of her self-loathing, out of control, alcoholic ways, and it’s taking lives in Korea. She feels more than a little bit guilty about this.

Things get weirder when an equally large monster robot shows up next to Gloria’s monster and appears to be the manifestation of Oscar’s anxieties. Oscar is far more into the notion of having a monster under his control and starts playfully taunting Gloria. The two monsters wrestle it out, and their battles become more intense as Oscar and Gloria begin to have bigger and bigger problems in their newly reborn friendship.

While the movie has plenty of fun with giant monsters beating each other up, it has even more fun with mystery that is Gloria and Oscar. It becomes an introspective, and even scary look at messed up relationships and, more prominently, severely messed up dudes and their manipulative ways.