Poe Needs a Home

Hi, remember me? I'm Poe!

I'm a pretty 1 year old girl and I need a home! I'm the kind of dog that loooooooves squeaky toys and play time.

I'm looking for a home where I can get ample exercise and play time and would do great in a home with another dog. Don't forget that you can bring your current pet over to the Humane Society of Southern Arizona Main Campus to do a doggy meet and greet!

I need a home, but if you aren't looking to adopt you can still help homeless pets like me by donating to HSSA's fund to build a new home!
They are asking people like you to help them raise 3 million dollars!

Click here for more information about the new shelter and how you can help today!

If you want to give me a home give HSSA a call at 327-6088 ext. 173 for more information!

Lots of love,
Poe (835059)