Quick Bites: Miracle on Congress Street (With Booze)

Have your kids been good this year? Or at least this week?

If so, and if you celebrate Christmas and they still believe in Santa, they’ll probably be delighted to tell him that. But you don’t want to tote your fam to some overcrowded shopping mall just to facilitate this, do you?

Hell, nah, you might think—holiday spirit, holiday shmirit. Besides, what’s in it for you?

However, every year around this time, so many people heave big sighs, brace themselves and get the kids in the car, mall bound—for when, oh when, has there ever been a true alternative to the Mall Santa? He’s become a freakin’ institution. An alternative would be a real Christmas miracle.
But wait! Wipe the sweat from your brow and put away that Xanax. We’ve got your miracle right here—right downtown, that is. “Miracle on Congress Street” has brought Santa to the storefront space between HUB and Playground, where St. Nick and his elves have created a “winter wonderland extravaganza” (says the Facebook page) where your kids can sit on Santa’s lap, get photos taken, and do all kinds of other stuff like watch holiday movies and do arts and crafts (there’s a free kids’ crafts class on Saturday, Dec. 17).

Meanwhile you can get the energy you need to deal with holiday-season stress through food—yes, the most sugary kinds—and, if you wish, adult beverages—yes, we mean booze.

Every weekend at Miracle on Congress Street is a little different, but in general you can expect lots of fresh-baked treats courtesy of Miracle’s neighbor HUB Ice Cream Factory—cookies, Rice Krispie treats, almond brittle and more—and homemade beverages like candy-cane sweet tea, hot cocoa and of course eggnog (with or without rum). For adults, Miracle also has a separate “Naughty List” of hooch-spiked-only drinks with names like “Tipsy Grinch” and “Rudolph’s Ruin” (plus wine and beer).

The event is the result of a partnership between HUB and Playground, with sponsors including the Humane Society, Casa de los Niños, Higher Ground Resource Center and the Children’s Museum.

Regular hours for Miracle on Congress St., 272 E. Congress St., will be 4 to 11 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays and 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays, with Santa on site for free photos 4 to 8 p.m. Fridays, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sundays until Christmas Eve. Keep informed about additional hours and activities on Facebook and Instagram via @MiracleOnCongressSt.