What was the first concert you attended?
An LL Cool J concert actually. He was beefin' with this rapper called Canibus at the time and Canibus was just annihilating him and this is LL Cool J, one of the biggest MCs of all time and you have this new comer who was just murdering him on wax left and right. I snuck in actually. I'm from a small town in Sierra Vista so the fact that LL Cool J came out to our area was a big deal.
What was the first album you owned?
It was a Def Leppard album—and it sucked. So, the most memorable album that I owned was a Christmas in Hollis Queens album. Run-DMC is on it and I remember rapping it. It was like "Its Christmas time in Hollis Queens. Mom's cooking chicken and collard greens." Yeah, that was it.
What are you listening to these days?
As a Top 40 DJ, I'm definitely focusing on Top 40. In terms of my at home recreational listening, I'm doing a lot of oldies but I'm not stuck there. I like ASAP. Ummm, I'm listening to a lot of Public Enemy actually with all the events going on, its definitely something I will be listening to a lot. Rae Sremmurd, who ever they are. Drake, obviously Kanye. I'm a big Kanye fan.
What artist, genre or musical trend does everyone seem to love, but you just don't get?
Dude, I don't get The Beatles, man. I don't know what it is about The Beatles, I just, you know, I just don't get them. There is a part of me that loves like Tom Petty and it's not just because its old rock and roll I just don't get The Beatles. Its like one of friends said he doesn't get Kool and The Gang and I'm like "How do you not get Kool and The Gang?" "How do you not get The Beatles" you don't know how to explain it.
What musical act, current or defunct, would you most like to see perform live?
Obviously Michael Jackson. I met my adopted dad getting my passport to go see Michael Jackson in London. Weird. This was like '05 I believe and I was adopted so I had to get information only my adopted dad would know and it was crazy. But yeah, it's definitely Michael Jackson. That or maybe Hulk Hogan, but Hulk has something out right now.
What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
Yachty. I have no reason for Yachty, dog. I'm a 37-year-old male bouncing to the hardest shit out right now and love it. I feel guilty because people might say he's corny but I like it. I just don't knock peoples hustle. No matter what.
What song would you like to have played at your funeral?
Oh man! It might be Broccoli, naw naw its not Broccoli, damn. Oh, 100 percent, Nas "Take it in Blood" straight up! "I made it like that, I bought it like that, I'm livin like that! You wack MC's!" Thats defiantly it man. I want to die to that song, forget being buried! I want to die to that song!
What artist changed your life and how?
Michael Jackson because he's the King of Pop and in that even in my DJ style, I'm always DJing popular music. I'm never DJing something that I like personally or that is not popular and that everyone is not going to like and that is pop—and that is Michael Jackson.
Figurative gun to your head, what is your favorite album of all time?
Oh that's easy and I'm going to get killed for this! I hope that kids don't listen to it actually: Brotha Lynch Hung's Season of da Siccness.