Best of Tucson® 2016 ballot has been up for a few days now and, as you may have noticed, there have been some changes.
Perhaps most notably is the introduction of the ¡Cultura! section. For years, Best of Tucson had ¡Comida!, a section dedicated to the Old Pueblo's delicious Mexican food. But you know what? Tucson's Mexican influence goes beyond what we put in our bellies. We decided to open the section up to include categories like Best Mariachi Band and Best Carnicería.
We plan to bring in new ¡Cultura! categories next year, so let us know if you have any suggestions.
In the meantime, go fill out your Best of Tucson ballot! It can seem daunting to start—there are
191 questions—but you can do it. It's the tiniest bit shorter than last year, you can skip questions you don't have opinions on, and you only have to fill out a minimum of 30 questions. You can even save your ballot and get back to it anytime before we start looking at finalists on May 15.