Casa Video Top 10

Well, it's Oscar weekend. Are you boycotting the telecast because of the white-washing issue? Eagerly looking at the nominations and making predictions? Feeling completely behind schedule because apparently it's already March next week—and who has time to watch all of 2015's big deal movies, anyway?

Whatever you're feelin' right now, we're here (just like every week) for you with the list of Casa Video's Top 10 most rented films. 

Take a night off, enjoy yourself and watch some films. Here's what your neighbors are renting:

1. Ted 2
2. Mission Impossible: Rouge Nation

3. Maze Runner: The Scorch Trails

4. Ant-Man

5. Minions

6. Fantastic Four

7. No Escape

8. Knock Knock

9. Time Out of Mind

10. Amy