Last night at Mercado San Augustin, the faces of those with Yes On Pima County Bonds and others from the county were obviously forlorn, but realistic. Looking at the large screening with the election results displayed, it was obvious the seven propositions before the voters yesterday that made up the bond package were failing and no hail Mary pass was waiting around the corner.
As of late this morning:
• Proposition 425: Road and Highway Improvements: $200 million
Yes 57,567 votes
No 66,051 votes
• Proposition 426: Economic Development, Libraries and Workforce Training: $91.3 million
Yes 46,963 votes
No 77,011 votes
• Proposition 427: Tourism Promotion: $98.6 million
Yes 40,610
No 83,392
• Proposition 428: Parks and Recreation: $191.5 million
Yes 50,074
No 74,001
• Proposition 429: Public Health, Welfare, Safety, Neighborhoods and Housing: $105.3 million
Yes 50,261
No 73,968
• Proposition 430: Natural Area Conservation and Historic Preservation: $112 million
Yes 45,890
No 74,111
• Proposition 431: Flood Control and Drainage: $16.9 million
Yes 57,579
No 62,815
At the Yes On Pima County Bonds event last night, Pima County Supervisor Richard Elias said there wasn't a doubt that the votes weren't going to turn around by Wednesday morning.
"Well, obviously voters felt that it wasn't a good package," Elias said. "We've never had a bond package that's lost."