Here Is Some Tucson Goodness You Could Support on Arizona Gives Day

Arizona Gives Day has arrived. It's a great time to contribute to our favorite nonprofits, even if it's just $5. What matters is the gesture and that, at least once a year, we are all on the same page with helping out.

Here are my suggestions (not in any particular order) but Arizona Gives website has a bunch more, and, of course, many of you already have your own.

KXCI — Beloved KXCI, not even my own mother reads my emotions as well as you do. It makes me squeal with happiness that you are the only radio station here that pays attention to amazing artists from around the world, including music I grew up listening to in Latin America. When I drive home after a crazy day and Manu Chao or Ana Tijoux start coming out of my speakers, I lose my shit. Thank you.

Friends of Pima Animal Care Center — I adopted my 4-year-old dog Donna from here about eight months ago.  PACC is in desperate need of more room and other care improvements. 

The All Souls Procession/Many Mouths One Stomach — Need I say anything? All Souls is Tucson. Thousands of us come together in this ritual that pulls influence from El Día de Muertos and other world traditions paying homage to the living and dead. There's a lot going on, and Moctober Fest alone isn't enough to put it all together. Also, any donation you make will be matched!

Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network INC — Better known as TIHAN, this organization has been around since 1994 with the sole goal to provide people living with HIV/AIDS with faith-based (and all other types) of support, including meals, support groups, health and body wellness help.

Youth On Their Own — Youth On Their Own helps out homeless and at-risk youth graduate high school and stay off the streets. A lot of these kids have no support from their families, and YOTO steps in to try and fill that void as much as possible. 

Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona — Rather than buying extra food that will probably go to waste in your household, use the money to help feed families in our region. This doesn't fix poverty, but at least it brings temporary relief.

The Primavera Foundation — Primavera is doing what it cans to help Tucson's homeless. Something I've been repeating every week: we don't have enough resources and the ones we do have need improvement. 

Come on, you have all day!