Heads up, nature artists! Agua Caliente Park Ranch House Art Gallery is accepting applications for their four-week exhibition period in 2016. The pieces have to reflect nature, wildlife, landscapes, southwestern themes, or local cultures that fit thematically with the park setting.
To apply, send your application in by March 14. Here's what it needs to include:
• Cover Sheet with your name or name of organization, contact information: phone number, email address, and mailing address.
• Six – 10 color photographs (4”x 6” or no larger than 8”x 10” prints) that are representative of the work you propose to exhibit. Email submissions should be jpg or pdf attachments. Please label images with artist name, title of work, dimensions of the piece, and art medium.
• A brief resume or biography.
• An artist’s statement and description of work.
• Stamped, self-addressed envelope if you want application materials returned.
Apply by email at aguacalientepark@pima.gov, using JPEG or PDF attachments or through snail mail at:
Agua Caliente Park Ranch House Art Gallery
Pima County Natural Resources, Parks and Recreation
3500 W. River Road
Tucson, AZ 85741
Or Email to: aguacalientepark@pima.gov (use jpeg or pdf attachments)