Update: McSally Wins Recount, Barber gives statement

Tucson, AZ - Today, following this morning's ruling by Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Katherine Cooper on the final result of the election in Arizona's Second Congressional District, Congressman Ron Barber made the following statement:

"Today I congratulated Martha McSally on her victory, and wished her well in serving Southern Arizonans. This result is not the one we hoped for, but we take solace in having spoken out loud and clear for the principle that every legal vote should be counted. As in every election system, there are imperfections in ours, and we must work to correct them. When an election is as close as this one has been, we do our best to arrive at the correct result, and then accept it with respect for the voters.

"I love Southern Arizona and serving the people who live here was an unexpected honor. In 1967, I graduated from the U of A and married Nancy—I figured it couldn't get much better than that. Never in my life did I expect to serve in Congress. For me, the work was a joy to do every day, helping veterans get access to the benefits they earned, keeping middle class families from having their homes foreclosed, pushing the EPA into not closing the power plant in Cochise County that provides a good income to nearly 250 families. I still believe that we can be successful when people from both parties work together—that's how we stopped the Pentagon from mothballing the A-10 and increased funding for mental health services.

"There's a lot more work to do to solve the real challenges facing our country, and I will have plenty to say about them in the weeks to come.

"Today, I extend my gratitude to Southern Arizonans, and promise to carry out a smooth transition to my successor.“

Ron Barber grew up in Tucson. He married his high school sweetheart Nancy and raised two daughters here. Ron has dedicated his life to working for Southern Arizona, helping people with disabilities for over 30 years and running a small business with his wife. After serving as the District Director for former U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords, Ron ran for office to continue to fight in Congress for Southern Arizona families. Ron was named the 4th most independent-minded member of Congress and has worked across the aisle to stand up for middle class families, including strengthening border security, protecting Medicare, and fixing the healthcare law.

TUCSON - Retired Air Force Colonel Martha McSally today was named the official winner of the race for AZ CD-2, after results from a state-mandated recount gave her a 167 victory over incumbent Ron Barber. The court announcement is the last step in the recount process and makes McSally's victory final in CD-2.

"We're grateful to everyone who devoted their time and resources, especially during the extended vote and recount processes, to get us over the finish line," said McSally. "With the results of the recount now official, we can move forward as one community to bring Southern Arizonans the strong representation they deserve."

"There's no getting around that this was an incredibly close and hard-fought race. After what's been a long campaign season, it's time to come together and heal our community. That's why my focus will be on what unites us, not what divides us, such as providing better economic opportunity for our families and ensuring our country and community are kept safe."

"I sincerely thank Congressman Barber for his service over many years to Southern Arizona. I'll be seeking his input to continue strong constituent services and help ensure a smooth transition. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but I know that we're a community dedicated and united in our love for Southern Arizona - And, together, we can make a positive difference."

Last week, McSally was appointed to serve on the House Armed Services and Homeland Security Committees, two committees that play key roles in the policy decisions affecting Southern Arizona. The new Congress and its members will be sworn in on January 6, 2015.

Colonel Martha McSally (ret.) is an independent voice who is committed to fighting for equal treatment of women and more opportunity for the middle class. She has been active in defending Southern Arizona's critical job-creators like Davis-Monthan Air Force Base and Fort Huachuca. A 26-year veteran of the U.S. Air Force, McSally was the first woman to fly in combat and command a fighter squadron in U.S. history.