UA Students Not That Happy About Daily Wildcat Rape Column

It turns out that not everyone thought UA student Rob Monteleone's recent op-ed in the Arizona Daily Wildcat was sensible.

Students Promoting Empowerment and Consent (SPEAC), F.O.R.C.E., The Men's Project, UA Campus Health Service's Oasis Program Against Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence and the UA Women's Resource Center have organized a rally from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. tomorrow on the UA Mall.

From the organizers' Facebook event page:

Stop victim-blaming. Rapists are responsible for rape.

We invite you to speak up and speak out against sexual assault and victim-blaming on our campus.

Join us in responding to the recent Daily Wildcat article by making posters and sidewalk-chalking messages that support and empower survivors of sexual assault.

Monteleone got some love from feminist blog Jezebel, which highlighted his argument: "If drunk women who have sex are able to claim 'rape,' why aren't drunk men alleviated of responsibility for the poor decisions they make?"