Who is that sassy glamour-puss, that sexy altogether Bond-y seductress in the Coco Chanel commercial? If you can't tell, you're not alone. Sorting out the Natalie Portman from the Winona Ryder from the Keira Knightly is not a singular problem, as it turns out. Rotten Tomatoes even has a memory test for you. Almost 110 thousand folks have taken it, with an 84% success rate. I scored a hopeless 44%. Surely you can do better.
You'll get the right answers to the quiz when you finish, but here's a hint for the Chanel commercial: It's Keira. The real question is why are they advertising in early April? Do they really think you're going to treat mom to Chanel perfume on Sunday, May 11? Yes, that's Mother's Day. Drop everything and poke it into your calendar before you forget.