It's still a little rough out there in the job market (thanks, Obama!), but as a public service to the un- and underemployed, the Weekly is happy to point out notable online job listings when we stumble upon them.
Today, it's the President and Publisher gig at the Arizona Daily Star, conveniently posted on Craigslist in the Business/Management section, right next to an offer to "HELP OUR ORGANIC BRAND BECOME FAMOUS" and a Spanish language ad promising the "FREEDOM TO BE IN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF."
Unfortunately, whoever is posting high-level executive positions for the Star on den-of-scams/place-to-get-a-slightly-stained-couch Craigslist did not adopt the site's standard ALL-CAPS style, but you have to give them this, there's no shortage of detail (and, of course, business world buzzwords) in the post, from the hopeful applicant's ability to "effective transformational change management" to a desire for someone who has a "demonstrated track record in recruiting a World-Class leadership team."
Possibly worth noting, they're looking for some with "experience driving a successful turnaround or transformation," so draw your own conclusions on what that says about the current state of things over at Park and Irvington.
If you happen to be interested in the gig vacated by the Wisconsin-bound John M. Humenik, have a Bachelor's degree and at least five years in a top leadership role, feel free to apply now. Based on recent trends, I imagine the eventual successful applicant will be determined by a bracket of some sort and voting on Facebook.