4th Avenue Deli Unveils Streetcar Shirt and Customer of the Year

Limited edition 4th Avenue Deli t-shirts.
  • Courtesy of 4th Avenue Deli.
  • Limited edition 4th Avenue Deli t-shirts.

December Chow feature 4th Avenue Delicatessen decided to reward its customers to celebrate a year of serving hot dogs and sandwiches on Fourth Ave.

You can get your own "I survived the streetcar" T-shirt for $15 or $18 in XXL. The shirts will be available for purchase on Monday, according to deli owner Austin Alexander Counts.

Devon Duhart was named 4th Avenue Deli's Customer of 2013 because of his love for hot dogs and support since the restaurant opened its doors. Duhart will come in nearly twice a day to buy his favorite dog: the dirty white boy (chili dog topped with bacon, onions, cheddar and mayo) and ate over approximately 70 sandwiches in one month. Duhart's picture and first punch card will be proudly displayed over the register.

Devon Duhart was named 4th Avenue Delis Customer of 2013.
  • Photo by Mike Leland of Mike Leland Photography.
  • Devon Duhart was named 4th Avenue Deli's Customer of 2013.