Kitty Katt McKinley is up to his old tricks: singing, dancing and making hilarious YouTube videos.
Kitty Katt and local model Katy Gierlach double as David Bowie and Bing Crosby to reenact the Little Drummer Boy duet in a deranged and hilarious fashion:
Beth King's ability to make Gierlach look so decrepit and unrecognizable can't go unnoticed. I'm very confident that Crosby's small Barbie hands, the violent dog whipping and Bowie break dancing scene will give me nightmares tonight. I would suggest that you watch this video a couple times to catch all the hidden Easter eggs and really appreciate Pimadonna's performance.
BING CROSBY / DAVID BOWIE Christmas Special Duet
"Little Drummer Boy" "Pah Rum Pum Pum Pum"
Katy Gierlach as Bing Crosby
Kitty Katt McKinley as David Bowie
and introducing Pimadonna
Crew: Sahara Starr, Beth King, Rogelio Camarillo.
Thanks to Emery Chukly, Angela Babineau and Lara.
Film © Dominic Arizona Bonuccelli /