Check out Keith Knight on FXX's 'Totally Biased' Tonight

Tucson Weekly's (Th)ink cartoonist Keith Knight will be a guest on Totally Biased W. Kamau Bell tonight at 11 p.m. on FXX.

Tonight on Totally Biased, cartoonist Keith Knight! Keith Knight is one of the funniest and most highly regarded cartoonists in America, garnering him the esteemed title: Gentleman Cartoonist. He is part of a generation of African-American artists who were raised on hip-hop, and infuse their work with urgency, humor, satire, politics and race. His art has appeared in various publications worldwide, including the Washington Post, Daily KOS, McSweeneys, San Francisco Chronicle,, Ebony, ESPN the Magazine, L.A. Weekly, MAD Magazine, and the Funny Times.

I'm glad that an indie cartoonist like Knight is getting some national attention and appreciation for his prolific comic. I have never seen Totally Biased until today, and it looks promising. I hope it sticks around long enough to gain a following. Bell feels very new at this nightly hosting gig, and it takes years to get comfortable and good at it. It's fun to come across some young Conan and Letterman and cringe at their amateur mistakes.