Best Bike Shop

Ordinary Bike Shop

Think about bikes for a second. The majority of them have two wheels, two pedals, a frame and a chain. They're human powered. They can take you far; they can take you near; they can take you damn near everywhere. What kind of black magic is this? The best kind! Ordinary Bike Shop has been crafting their blend of magic and grit for more than a decade. You can buy a bike, have a bike repaired and scope out all the best bike accessories in their cozy shop. The employees have racked up years of experience on both streets and trails, and their secret guild-like knowledge and handiness can't be beat. If you want to advance as a cycling-Magi, Ordinary Bike Shop is your college.

Runners up:

2. Fair Wheel Bikes

1110 E. Sixth St.



44 W. Sixth St.


—We like it too, but it might not be the best place for bikes: One vote for "Target"

—Wait, what?: One vote for "PopkornSwingz"