In case you missed it, last Friday marked the first day of entries for our erotic short fiction contest, "150 Shades of Shame," (made possible by our friends at Fascinations: If it comes from Fascinations, they're gonna love it!) and I'm not ashamed to admit that I've already got a favorite—but to name favorites right now would be unfair to the folks who have entered. Thus, a selection of random sentences from some of the stories that have been submitted thus far, in one paragraph:
She lays, face first, on the Tucson Weekly, laid out on the floor. Just want to see what’s up around town. Now, let’s not be hasty.
Beautiful. But not enough.
Tucson, we need more.
Thus, I provide this clip from Bob's Burgers for inspiration. Use it as you will.
If zombies touching butts doesn't get your creative juices flowing, I'm not sure what will, frankly.