Well, saying that people were apathetic toward the event might be inaccurate. It would be far more accurate to say that people didn't care enough to buy tickets for the event that was set to feature Pat Boone, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and a mess of folks who were looking to expose Barack Obama for the fraud they oh-so-desperately wish him to be.
From TalkingPointsMemo.com:
The Sept. 22 event was meant to bring together people from throughout the nation who believe Barack Obama’s birth certificate is fake and therefore he is ineligible to be president. Organizers planned to use it to call on Congress to take up Arpaio’s yearlong investigation into the documents.The announcement was disappointing to the few people who did plan to attend, as evidenced by a handful of web postings about the cancellation. It didn’t take long for true believers to spin elaborate conspiracy theories about why the event was called off.
One theory could be found on the Facebook page of Linda Bentley, an Arizona tea party activist who had been promoting the event. A visitor to her page wrote that it had been doomed because Arpaio was unwilling to take his probe even further and investigate the president for murder.
“The REASON the EVENT by Sheriff Joe & his Cold Case POSSE was CANCELLED is because the Sheriff & others are TOO DUMB to SEE the MURDERS Barack Obama had his Security Adviser John Brennan commit on Obama’s Gay Lovers in Chicago,” the visitor wrote.
Personally, I don't believe that Joe Arpaio is dumb enough to truly believe that Barack Obama wasn't born in this country. He just seems publicity savvy, as well as smart enough to know how to get people to vote for him. It's just a shame that so many things slip through the cracks in favor of getting folks riled up about birth certificates and immigration.
For more, check out TalkingPointsMemo's story here.