Petey - #709849 — 1.5 Years Old — Spaniel Mix — MalePetey is a remarkable survivor who was found in November as an emaciated stray with type 1 diabetes and a severely injured leg that had to be removed. Fortunately, he was delivered to the Humane Society of Southern Arizona and has recovered beautifully in a loving foster home. He has spent several months searching for a committed family able to give him the special care he needs. His friends at the Humane Society would love to see Petey find a home with someone familiar with diabetes management. If you or someone you know would like to meet this extraordinary boy, please call the Humane Society of Southern Arizona today at (520) 327-6088. Petey hopes to hear from you soon!
Come meet Petey! He's currently living at the Humane Society of Southern Arizona, 3450 N. Kelvin Blvd. The Humane Society is open Monday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., and on Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. The phone number is 327-6088.
See Petey in video form below the cut: