Last Call - Replacing Rep. Patterson

Do you think Rep. Daniel Patterson is a disgrace to Arizona?

Think you can do better?

Well, registered independents of Legislative District 29, now’s your chance to prove it – but you have to act fast.
Update that old resume, write a note about why you deserve the job and send them over to the Pima County Board of Supervisors before 5 p.m. today for your chance to be the newest member of the Arizona House of Representatives.

The Clerk of the Board's office tells us there are only nine names in the hat so far, so competition is actually easier than most the jobs out there nowadays. We'll bring you an updated list of the hopefuls after the deadline - so if you want to be included, act now!

To get in the running, email your resume and cover letter to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors:

For more information, visit