Strange Mail: Masks and Paper Heart Edition


Just in time for Valentine's Day, The Range received a letter by the world's greatest lover himself: Don Juan DeMarco. Not only does the letter speak of his romanticism, but was also accompanied by a felt mask and dozens of colorful paper hearts that nearly spilled out all over our desk. His valentine to us:

Denying your own true feelings is like colorful hearts falling to the ground all around you. My name I Don Juan DeMarco and I can no longer hide who I truly am. I am flattered that Hollywood has tried to portray my persona, but I am the World’s Greatest Lover! Of course, I speak not of flesh and bone, for that in time will only fade away; I speak of the heart that only stays “Forever You.”

Some may say that romantics are nothing more than people immersed in a fantastic world full of illusion. But only very few men come to realize throughout time that displaying a man’s true feelings and concern for others is as masculine as one can be. This emotion has driven man to stand and fight for what is right and has kept chivalry alive to this very day! Woman cannot resist its aroma and men are drawn to its power! At night, I sneak out with my guitar, singing love songs, touching woman’s most intimate part-their soul.

My desire, you ask? It is that I may inspire woman to know and understand that they are all beautiful and deserve to be treated with kindness, fairness, and respect! I care not that other men scoff at me when dressed in my exotic apparel, for it is them I speak about, and it is with them that I have made my quarrel. In my adventures, I have made love to many woman, helped damsels in distress, thrown my cape over muddy waters so that woman could pass over, and even helped elderly ladies cross the street. If we are to live in a beautiful world, we must be true to each other. To love one another for more than just the body, but for the mind and soul as well, that we may experience love it its fullest exploding pleasure and extent. I leave you now with just a taste in your mouth of my world, and if you ever have the courage to seize the moment, to take the chance, to be a romantic at heart, and to breath life in the way it’s supposed to be, then I leave you…