A Comic Book to Depict Smiths Songs?

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The New York Observer has an interesting article up about a Phoenix-based comic book artist, Shawn Demumbrum, who is raising money to fund his newest comic book project inspired by Smiths songs. The article gives a shout-out to Tucson (even though they spelled it incorrectly) as Demumbrum hopes to premiere his series at Tucson's Comic-Con in November. Here's more:

In the latest Smiths-related news, a comic book creator in Phoenix, Shawn Demumbrum, has started a Kickstarter page to raise funds for a comic book series that is influenced by various Smiths songs. The premise, Mr. Demumbrum says on the Kickstarter page, is simple: “What story plays in your head when you listen to your favorite Smiths song?”

The series is called Unite and Take Over—a lyric from “Shoplifters of the World Unite”—and Mr. Demumbrum hopes to launch it at the Tuscon Comic-con in November. So far there are 27 backers and the group has raised $945 of their pledged goal of $3,000. They have until September 11 to raise the rest of the money.

We think you should probably support this project.

Some of the stories include “Girlfriend in a Coma,” “Pretty Girls Make Graves,” “Handsome Devil” and “Cemetery Gates.” We were hoping for a little “Shakespeare’s Sister,” our favorite Smiths song, but we’ll accept “That Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore” and get on with our lives.

We personally believe Morrissey’s lyrics are perfect fodder for comic book adaptation. Vivid with only a small amount of exposition and dialogue, they are also dramatic and whiny, traits a number of comic book superheroes also exemplify. Remember all those times when Peter Parker decided he wanted to quit being Spider Man? Or when Cyclops got all broody after Jean Grey died for the first time? Well, maybe you’re not a comic book nerd, but, you know, give a little anyway. Check out Unite and Take Over’s blog here.