Learn Who's Running for Three Empty Seats on the TUSD Board at this Candidate Forum

A local watchdog group that critically monitors the Tucson Unified School District will hold a forum with the seven candidates running for three open seats on the district’s school board at 6:30 p.m. tonight, Thursday, Oct. 8.

CARE (Coalition for Accountability, Respect and Excellence,) a group that aims to hold TUSD board members accountable, will give the candidates a chance to answer questions emailed by constituents.

The seven candidates running for three open school board positions include Ravi Grivois-Shah, Natalie Luna Rose, Nicolas Pierson, Adam Ragan, Sadie Shaw, Cindy Winston and write-in candidate Cristina Mennella.

Three volunteer, nonpartisan positions on the school board are opening when the terms of current board members Bruce Burke, Kristel Foster and Rachael Sedgwick expire in November.

The candidate forum will be available live at: youtube.com/channel/UCNxtVlmWkpT8K9NzP8DGy-g?view_as=subscriber

Meet the candidates

Due to an editing error, this post previously reported that Adelita Grijalva's term was up this year. Grijalva's term isn't up until 2022. She plans to remain on the board if she wins a seat on the Pima County Board of Supervisors in November.