The Pima County Health Department today announced recommendations for how to safely enjoy Halloween during COVID-19. They continue to advise against large gatherings in favor of drive-thru events and maintained social distancing. PCHD is also getting creative, stating how wearing facemasks can even be incorporated into your Halloween costume.
Instead of attending Halloween carnivals or door-to-door trick-or-treating, PCHD recommends:
- Online parties/contests such as costume or pumpkin carving
- Car parades that comply with public health guidance for vehicle-based parades. Consider drive-by events or contests where individuals dress up or decorate their vehicles and drive-by “judges” who are appropriately physically distanced. Or do drive-through events where kids remain in vehicles and drive through an area with Halloween displays. Or do drive-in events where individuals can receive a treat bag—limited to commercially packaged, non-perishable treats—or a take-away item from an organizer with appropriate PPE while the participants remain in their vehicle.
- Halloween movie nights at drive-in theaters, which must comply with the public health drive-in movie theater guidance.
- Halloween-themed meals at outdoor restaurants that comply with the restaurant protocol.
- Dressing up homes and yards with Halloween-themed decorations.