PACC offering shelter space for pets evacuated due to Bighorn Fire

Residents evacuating their homes on Tucson’s north side due to the Bighorn Fire can find refuge for their pets at the Pima Animal Care Center, the shelter announced Thursday morning.

“When you are in the middle of an emergency it can be overwhelming to figure out the best way to take care of your family and pets,” said Director of Animal Services Kristen Hassen, in a press release. “We want to put folks at ease by helping them with their pets so that they can focus on other things like taking care of the humans in their family.”

Anyone who needs to make arrangements for their furry friends can call PACC at (520) 724-5961. Room will be made in the facility’s kennels, which has space available due to a high number of fosters.

“Pets are family,” Hassen said. “The shelter is already working hard to make sure these evacuated pets get plenty of enrichment while in our care.”

Residents can bring their dogs, cats, birds, gerbils, hamsters and more. PACC is also working with the Pima County Fairgrounds for additional space. Those with livestock may contact Martina Gonzales at the Rillito Racetrack at (520) 419-2369.

For information about the Bighorn Fire, click here.