Old Tucson will welcome guests this Memorial Day weekend with new safety precautions in place. They will be open from 4 to 9 p.m. on Friday, May 22 through Monday, May 25.
The outdoor entertainment venue hopes to protect public health and provide their “spirit of the Old West” experience through the use of social distancing, frequent sanitation, and personal protective equipment.
The Old Tucson company provides a classic Western movie experience at their theme park located west of the Tucson metro area. They produce daily live historical reenactments of cowboy gunfights, put on comedy shows and live music with singing and dancing and offer themed attractions, shopping, and eateries. They recently celebrated their 80th anniversary.
This weekend, their operations will look quite different with a maximum capacity of 300 people each day. Their park spans 30 acres, giving everyone enough room to physically distance from each other.
All performances and food services will be moved outdoors, and seating will be designed to keep groups six feet apart from each other. Signs will be posted throughout the park encouraging groups to remain separated.
Areas that have frequently touched surfaces will have an employee assigned to them for sanitation between each use. Each restroom will have a designated employee for the same purpose.
All staff working at Old Tucson have completed a health questionnaire, received COVID-19 training, and will be required to wear masks and gloves in the park. They will also have their temperatures taken before entering the park, and any employee with an elevated body temperature will not be allowed in.
Employees who are older or have compromising health conditions have been given the option not to work this weekend.
Old Tucson is not requiring guests to wear masks at the park, but they are encouraging everyone to bring their own personal protective equipment.
“We recognize these changes can be an inconvenience, but we encourage patience and support from our guests in helping us implement public health guidelines,” Old Tucson stated in a press release.
Tickets for this safety-minded event are available online at tinyurl.com/yb3d9a5d. Guests are encouraged to purchase tickets in advance and specify which day they want to come because of the park’s limited capacity. For more information, visit oldtucson.com/covid-19-response.