You can ditch the suit-and-tie look while working from home, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't still dress in stylish T-shirts. That's why we're excited to announce that we are teaming up with Arizona Uniform in the TUCSON2GETHER program to offer a new T-shirt that allows you to look good in your next Zoom meeting and show off your Tucson Weekly pride.
The TW T is just one of several you can choose from when you visit this virtual showroom. Here's the deal: $10 of the $24 price goes to the Weekly (or any other biz or nonprofit whose shirt you purchase).
But don't delay: This limited-edition T-shirt will only be available through midnight on Wednesday, May 20.
With the current pandemic-related economic crash rippling across our newspaper enterprise just as it's hammering many others, you'll also be supporting independent local journalism, which is vital in this day and age. Plus, we'll be donating half of our $10 take to the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona, so you'll also be helping feed the community with your purchase.
Get yours today!