Loft Cinema Presents Free Livestream of 'Plan 9 From Outer Space' Tonight

Since we can't go to the Loft Cinema, the Loft brings the cinema to us!

Besides the classy arthouse offerings that the Loft is streaming on the regular, the nonprofit theater is presenting a free live stream of Ed Wood's classic Plan 9 From Outer Space' tonight.

Is there a better way to celebrate April Fool's Day while obeying our governor's Stay-at-Home order? I have fond memories of first seeing this epic flick on actual celluloid way back in the early ’80s at one of the first Tus-Con sci-fi conventions I attended. It was undoubtedly the best possible audience for my introduction to what was then dubbed the worst film ever made. (Let's face it, there are plenty of contenders since those days.)

If you haven't seen it, here's what The Loft says:

In a world gone mad, perhaps only Ed Wood can save us! So this April Fool’s Day, find a comfy couch, put on your Tor Johnson mask, and enjoy a special livestream screening of the legendary Z-movie classic, Plan 9 from Outer Space! Join your Horror Host with the Most, Loft Cinema Program Director Jeff Yanc, as we watch Edward D. Wood, Jr.’s deliriously awful and totally hilarious tale of grave robbers from another world running amok through 1950s Hollywood, and you’ll get all the awe-inspiring special effects, head-scratching dialogue and Bela Lugosi stand-in’s you can handle from the safety and sanity of your own home. Live chat with us during the movie and help us figure out exactly why Plan 9 is, indeed, the very best Plan of all! Don’t miss out on this social-distancing extravaganza and heed the words of well-groomed psychic Criswell: “Can you PROVE it didn’t happen?!?”

“One of the quintessential American cult films … as glorious as it is flabbergasting.” – Jordan Cronk, Slant

With its incoherent plot, jaw-droppingly odd dialogue, inept acting, threadbare production design, and special effects so shoddy that they border on the surreal, Plan 9 from Outer Space, from the immortal Ed Wood, Jr., has often been called the worst movie ever made. While that’s probably true, it’s also an oddly loveable disaster; packed with genuine enthusiasm and undeniable charm, it’s obviously the work of a man who loved movies and loved making them, even if he displayed little visible talent in that particular area. In this epic tale of Cold War-era extraterrestrial invasion, sarcastic aliens in shiny ice- skating outfits zoom around in string-powered flying saucers to implement the dreaded “Ninth Plan” for Earth’s conquest (the first eight apparently failed), a brilliant plan fueled by an army of zombies (well, three actually): a feeble old man dressed in a Dracula costume (Bela Lugosi, in a legendary “post-mortum” performance completed with the stand-in help of a much taller chiropractor); the old man’s much younger and ridiculously well-proportioned wife (played by Vampira); and a remarkably chunky, quasi-unintelligible police officer (pro wrestler Tor Johnson). Truly hilarious and consistently entertaining (if almost always for the wrong reasons), Plan 9 from Outer Space is perhaps the best Grade Z anti-masterpiece of all-time! (Dir. by Edward D. Wood Jr., 1959, 79 mins., Not Rated)