You Can Still Vote in Tuesday's Democratic Presidential Primary

click to enlarge You Can Still Vote in Tuesday's Democratic Presidential Primary
Courtesy photo
Despite the spread of COVID-19 in the community, Tuesday's Democratic presidential primary between remaining candidates Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard is still on in Pima County.

The primary—formally known as the presidential preference election—is open only to registered Democrats. Unlike other local, state and federal election, independents cannot cast a ballot.

The Republican and Libertarian parties canceled their presidential preference elections.

The majority of voters will cast their ballots by mail, but polling places will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. tomorrow.

If you need to vote today, you can do so in person at emergency voting centers at 240 N. Stone Avenue in downtown, 6550 S. Country Club Road on the southside or at 6920 E. Broadway Boulevard on the eastside.

Here's a release with more details from Pima County:

The Presidential Preference Election, to be held March 17 by Arizona’s Democratic Party, will have a reduced number of polling places by law. Check online or call the Pima County Recorder at (520) 724-4330 to find your voting place.

Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Staff regularly disinfects the public areas. Voters may bring sanitizers/wipes for personal use to the polls.

To date, only one polling place — Quail Creek VA 83 — has changed. Quail Creek will share a poll with VA 33 — East Social Center, 7 S Abrego Drive.

If you have an early ballot, do not put it in the mail today. Drop it off at any Pima County polling place on March 17.

The Presidential Preference Election is restricted to registered Democrats only. Voters who are registered with a party affiliation other than Democrat, including unaffiliated/independent voters, will not be able to participate.

The Arizona Republican Party opted out of the Presidential Preference Election this year.

You can also vote early today with no waiting at one of our "Emergency Voting Sites" until 5 p.m. at the following locations:

DOWNTOWN: 240 North Stone Avenue, first floor
SOUTH SIDE: 6550 S. Country Club Road
EAST SIDE: 6920 East Broadway Boulevard