The Reid Park Zoo is tending to a baby tamandua after the male pup began to grow sluggish and lose more weight than is normal post-birth.
The pup was born on Dec. 21, 2019 and is the third pup Xochi the tamandua has given birth to.
Though he was born healthy and active in his first few days of life, several days later his health began to decline. Animal care staff stepped in to provide extra feedings for the baby tamandua and continue to administer care to the young animal. Several times a day, the team bring the pup into the Zoo’s Health Center for a feeding. He's weighed before and after each feeding, and veterinarian Dr. Roth performs a physical exam to make sure the pup's health is good.
The pup, who has not been named by staff yet, is currently at a normal weight and continues to improve. The animal care team will keep providing him extra food and nutrients.
Tamanduas are a member of the anteater genus and are often, unfortunately, taken illegally from their habitats and sold as exotic pets.
The Reid Park Zoo views their tamanduas, who live behind the scenes at the zoo, as animal ambassadors, serving as a reminder of the plight of tamanduas in the illegal exotic pet trade.
Sometimes the zoo features tamanduas during animal presentations at the Conservation Learning Center, education programs and behind-the-scenes tours at the Zoo.
For more information on the Reid Park Zoo, visit